Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hospital Visit...

Well we had a sibling class at the hospital today and needless to say this little man is not ready for this.
He didn't want to hold the "Baby" (okay it was fake). Didn't want to look in the nursery. Didn't want to listen to the teacher. He did want to climb all over, turn on and off the fireplace (which WTF it was on in August I don't know), eat the treats, drink the juice, run away from me, discover the Nourishment Room (which thanks a fucking lot lady, now he won't do anything at the hospital except eat popsicles, ice cream and cookies), and ask the teacher when it was over. He did enjoy making a bib for the baby, he said this is really nice of me. Yeah pin a rose on your nose. So I figure in 7 1/2 weeks he is going to have a rude awakening and I don't quite know what to do about it.

1 comment:

Ashley and Evan said...

Haha...I bet you were ready to get the heck out of there after that "little incident." Maybe Abby will keep him busy when the baby comes and he won't even notice it's there, right?