Friday, September 5, 2008

Just breathe....

Unless you were in Phoenix with me over Spring Break...that means nothing. But it does mean it is Friday night and I can finally breathe for a few days. I have seriously been going nonstop for the past 5 days. I have 2 schools, 2 graduate classes, 2 kids, 2 dogs...and well just one hubby. I also have a mother in law who is in the hospital and my parents (my saviors) left for sunny California this week. So I have been a little busy. Graduate school is very interesting online. The one class is fine, the other...holy shit. It is Educational Law (sounds like a rip roaring good time right?). My portion of the assignment this week is to summarize the Constitution...really. Well good luck to me. I have until Tuesday at midnight to do that. I have had Mr. Boots helping me cause there are words in the Constitution that I and GOOGLE have no idea what they mean.

Oh and don't forget our remodel project in our kitchen. We have ripped out the pretty fruit tiles and dry wall. We are left with studs (not male studs but wood studs) at this point. We, by we I mean Mr. Boots, has to re drywall tomorrow and I get to paint the walls and stain the new cabinet we are putting in. My goal when I get up on Monday to go to work is: paint done, drywall done, and cabinet up and being used. It is/has been alot of work...but I started painting tonight and I tell you is going to look so nice. I am super excited. Mr. Boots said he is glad I am pushing him with this cause he procrastinates...oh really hadn't noticed that in 8 years!!!! But we are on a deadline. Sandal Boy's birthday is Sept. 21. And this will be done and looking spiffy.

So my plate is full...okay more like toppling over and spilling out the front door...but what else do I have to do these days? OH yeah...laundry. We are almost to the go to the store to buy socks cause we don't have any clean ones.

1 comment:

Ashley and Evan said...

It means everything to me!!! In fact, you and I need a break from school and Dana needs a break from work, so let's head back for salty!